Friday, April 27, 2012

busy week

I am trying to think of something meaningful and insightful to fill this space with today, but I am coming up empty up to this point. I am up earlier than normal, had to hit up the cleaners before 9 am to drop of our outfits for a wedding tomorrow, so my mind is still a little foggy. But I do want to get something written every day if I can, so I'm gonna ramble for a bit.

Tomorrow is a big day. Landon and Sarah are getting married, and it promises to be a great party. Lord knows the bachelor party a month ago in New Orleans was an epic time! So I hope my liver can keep up with the celebration.

After tomorrow I am going to really bear down and get a few things done in my life. I have been hitting the gym sporadically over the last few months after really going hard for about 3 months. I was going 5 or 6 days a week until I got in a relationship, and then I got comfortable. Now, I am really motivated to build on the progress I had made before getting the woman of my dreams.

I am also considering getting a second job. It would probably be waiting tables on M-F for lunch, along with an occasional night shift. I plan on keeping my current job on the weekends, just looking for a little supplemental income to boost my savings a bit.

Well, I feel like I may be rambling a bit too much. If I think of anything to add to day I'll be back, if not I'll check in tomorrow.

WAIT! I just decided to keep a current update on my bankroll status after every new post. This is, after all, supposedly a poker blog. So, currently I have $50 in my bankroll. Gotta pay rent after this weekend, so probably won't be able to supplement it this week, but normally I will take some of my pay every week and put it towards my bankroll.

Ok, I am done for now.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Short and Sweet

I was thinking to myself yesterday that there are few things in this world more worthless or wasteful than a writer who never writes. Seems like such a simple thing to do, really. The writing itself doesn't have to be particularly polished or even decent, it just has to exist. Put it on paper, and the rest will follow.

That is what I am going to strive for beginning today. I don't know if the contents of this blog will be limited to poker, but I am not going to worry about that too much right now. I just feel the need to write on a daily basis. Heck, maybe even twice a day.

Anyway, until the next post...